A guy runs into his old high school girlfriend. He realizes he still likes her, a lot, and wants to try to build a relationship with her. However, she won’t hardly give him the time of day. She won’t agree to having breakfast or lunch with him, he only runs into her at this strange out of the way night club.
It turns out she’s a vampire.
- He could be easy prey for her, but she doesn’t pursue him for that.
- Is she trying to protect him? Why?
- Would she protect him if another female vampire took an interest in him?
- Surely he can’t go to the night club that often without some vampires starting to notice him.
- How does he feel when he discovers her secret? Is he appalled or doesn’t care?
- What if he’s a vampire hunter, but misses all the signs that she’s a vampire because he likes her so much?
Happy Writing!
Patti “K.P.” Stafford
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